excellent ep! Erica Cerra/Jo was hysterical as a bubble-head. And every one of Carter's reactions was priceless.
Love that Bev's disdain comes through, although I wonder, since she actually seemed to have some time to get through Susan and Walter Perkins, if she spilled some of the S5 espionage stuff, or if she was just dishing out their marital problems. Losing some of her inhibitions wouldn't lead to her compromising herself, would it?
One thing that I'm really loving: when it comes to the violence and physcial action, it's not half-assed. You really get the violence and seriousness of it, which I LOVE. Also love the "you won't shoot me" and I thought it was going to be followed up with some nauseating speech about all the reasons why she wouldn't, when in fact it's because Carter is going to awesomely disarm her.
Is it wrong that I love Carter more for having no qualms about slamming the pretty women about?
I was a little worried that Henry was shown being so downcast, sure it be forgotten by eps end (mostly because of so many other badly written shows that pull out a serious emotion/character turmoil and then make it disappear), but although it makes me sad *loves Joe Morton* I really appreciate the validity of what was shown throughout the majority of this episode actually being followed through on.
oh, but juicy spoilerific previews ease the pain with the knowledge of at least one more hour of Henry.
I also liked that Stark's insanity was something that wasn't quite so far from what he would actually have done. So is it Stark's "I lost you" to Allison what prompts her to see if Stark wants to make another go at their marriage? Because with an opening like that, I don't get her being so roundabout about her true intentions (asking for a divorce but really wanting to try reconciliation), because it seems rather clear that losing her was a blow to him.
Too many other wonderful things to mention, so I'll shut up for now.
does anyone actually find Stark attractive?
can I get a "hell yeah"?
hell yeah