That's a good idea. Really anything of about the right vintage would do the trick. And if I try hard enough, I could probably find an email address for some of those British re-enactors and get them to help me with some of those pesky sensory details.
still wanna play with the guns....
Blackpowder rifles have a hell of a kick. I've only fired one once. I don't shoot .45s because I have small hands and all the ones I've tried have been so big, I've been afraid the big-ass kick would throw the thing out of my grip.
Oh, and what I was actually coming over here to post about....
I sold the Glastonbury article!
I feel like I'm finally back in the swing of things as a writer after my massive strikeouts throughout 2004.
Woo hoo! That's great news, Susan.
Go, Susan! That's a great start to the year!
Way to go, Susan!
I was going to post the first 6 pages of the new novel here, but I left it on my old hard drive.
Erin (Hi!!!!!), is that the one that I read?
Nope, I have abandoned that idea as more suitable for short stories. I couldn't deal with a whole novel on succubi. Too limiting.
This is a new one. When I find the pages, ya wanna?