So, I've put together a little piece to send as a writing sample along with a resume for a job I'm looking at. I wrote something that I could submit to my first college's newsletter, since the job is a non-profit. Would anyone be willing to do a quick beta?
Drusilla ,'Conversations with Dead People'
The Great Write Way
A place for Buffistas to discuss, beta and otherwise deal and dish on their non-fan fiction projects.
Lilty, definitely, but do you need it right now? Because I'm only managing to stay awake out of pure duty.
Oh, goodness, no, Deb. With the pace I'm working at right now, it won't make it into the mail today anyway. Get yo' beautiful self some sleep!
Mystery POV question OK, so I've been writing along in first person limited omniscient, yes? Well, it's good enough for Kinsey Millhone and Philip Marlowe. But because I've handicapped her(Ha!) by making her unable to have a P.I's license(she couldn't qualify at the firing range. In AZ you have to.) and given her a pretty restrictive undercover assigment, too,stuff's gonna happen that there's no way she could have a first-hand view of. I could write from Tommy's POV for a while I suppose... I'm nervous about that.
Drabble? (Though Teppy, being in Ohio, is undoubtedly abed.)
About to head that way. I'll post it first thing in the a.m. Sorry!
erika, is there any reason she can't get the info from someone with the license, and have her be at least faintly - and justifiably - bitter about it? After all, it's like being 5 foot 2 in a state that requires a police officer to be 5 foot 2.5 to qualify.
That would give the reader the info, plus advance the illumination into your protagonist.
I have things to read for a couple of you, but my brain is jello pudding right now. Tomorrow, I should be functional again.
Interesting thought, Deb. Yeah, what she would need is probably some bookwork, six months to two years of study with a licensed PI(in this particular sitch, easy to arrange, probably irl nsm, ex-cops being rather a skeptical breed like the Pope is kinda Catholic) and to qualify at the firing range.Even though "The gun has nothing to do with the job."(Stroke!Pembleton)
Deb, dear, you don't even have to worry about mine now- the timetable was unexpectedly pushed up and I decided to bite the bullet and just send what I had. But thank you!