"College-age unemployed roommates in unaffordable houses, all over America."
(Camera pans in over various "real world" locations, goes black)
"Yuppie stockbrokers with delusions of Iron John-hood playing "Lord of the Flies" on deserted islands, with film crews and craft services"
(camera pans over lush Pacific island, goes black)
"Donald Trump showing the world his definition of 'job training' and 'ethics'"
(camera pans over Trump Tower, goes black, then bright)
"Now, coming this fall, the ultimate reality series...."
(camera goes wide-angle on several furious writers with medieval weaponry. Because I'm writing myself into this one, I'm swinging a godentag over my head)
Camera shows writers of several crappy episodes of primetime network television, being chased by an army of gleefully crazed and screaming good writers. One former "Angel" writer hunts down a hack who writes for "Yes Dear", and chases him into a dark alley; we hear screams and pleas for clemency. Retired writer from "Maximum Bob", riding a vintage Norton, barrels down on a "Miami CSI" writer, brandishing a scimitar, shouting "THIS IS FOR THAT 'HANGING THE PROFESSOR IN THE SWAMP' EPISODE, ASSHOLE! AIEEE!" Scenes of carnage are shown in quick cuts.
(voice over)
"Coming this fall, Thursday nights, on NBC. (pause) "You'll never miss "Friends."
(fade to black)