t taking a deep breath
Hiya. I'm looked for a beta reader or three for the Prologue to my book. It's an epic fantasy in terms of genre, but I don't think that that will matter too much for a first-time reader. Even if you're not a fantasy buff, I wouldn't mind your eyes.
Basically, I've written and rewritten and condensed the damn thing a million times, and I feel like I've lost my ability to judge it. My writing style is suffering a bit from the fact that it's been jumbled around and edited so many times that some of the fluency has been lost, and I'm worried that it doesn't have the momentum it needs.
My goals for it are as follows:
- to put the reader in this world as quickly and painlessly as possible
- to create a lot of unanswered questions
- to make the reader really curious about what happens next
Anyone willing to take a look? All I ask is that you not tell me it completely sucks, even if it does. I'm building my confidence back that this project is still worth pursuing.