Now, this is just weird.
I recently submitted a query letter to a magazine, along with a SASE for their response. I just got the SASE back, but rather than a rejection it contains writers guidelines. Why would they send me something I didn't ask for? I read the guidelines on their website, and I think my idea fits in. Should I consider myself rejected, or is this just a Thing?
Huh. Maybe there's some other woman going "A rejection? But I've not sent anything yet!"
Hmm. Could be. It's too late to call, since they're on the East Coast, but maybe next week I'll call and ask. Can't hurt.
There wasn't a note on it...because I think I got one with a message once, because they wanted to see my work but that particular piece was outside guidelines.
t checks back of page, looks in envelope to be sure
Nope, no note. Just photocopied guidelines.
huh, just wondering...Good luck!
Susan, that's weird. And I think that, since they kept the submission and sent back something else entirely, it merits a query.
I think the book wants to live. Probably more than I, at this precise juncture, but I left it up to it. I sat with it for an hour and waited, figuring if nothing came up, I would bury it discreetly, but it does, so, fwiw.
Yay, book! Go erika. Want more book.
tentatively peering into thread
Um. Hi. Some of you are already on my LJ friends' list, so you know that my muse has kicked me in the butt of late. I was wondering -- how's the water? Should I just jump in here?
Also, several people have commented that I should be distributing this stuff more widely. I'm a shade nervous about that, and Buffistas are the folks I trust the most, so I think I'll start with "distributing more widely" by inviting the folks in this thread to browse my (very short) LJ and give me any criticism they see fit.
Thanks for listening, and indulging a newbie.