Very nice. So noted.
A (last?) music drabble.
what it is
it doesn't save the world, although it makes it bright
it cannot protect you, but can provide a refuge
it will not change the universe, though it might your life
it does not give you value, but it may be valued
it doesn't give me flight, but it can make me free
no salve for my burned soul, although it soothes my mind
it doesn't let me escape, but still escapes from me
it doesn't solve my problems, but it helps me try
i cannot count the things it cannot be
and yet i count on it to sustain me
Mitchell Corbin. 'Coz I'm contractually obligated to stick corvid references into every thing I can. Moo hoo ha ha, etc.
Also doing the NaNoWriMo thing again. P'raps this time I'll actually finish it...Planning on a pulpy swordNsorcery thing, coz that's what I think in. Sad, really.
Not so sad, Joe. I like those things.
I'm planning to do it too, I think. I was far more certain last week, when it wasn't sneaking up on Nov. 1
If you're going to write a novel, it might as well be a novel you enjoy reading, and especially enjoy writing. It seems to me that part of NaNoMoWri should be actually enjoying the writing....
I think NoNoMoWri's only goal is to get our words out. Some people self-censor too much. Their inner critics are too strong, and they can't write a thing, because they fear it's not good enough. If you just commit to pounding out anything, you get that first time over with. For some people just finishing something is a break through, and then they can go on to write something they'd actually enjoy reading.
Wow, I haven't checked this thread in a while. School made me all behind and stuff.
Skipping for NaNoWriMo talk though.
I'm actually doing fanfic, even though it seems a bit frowned upon by the forums at large. I don't need to deal with the incredible hardness of creating my own believable characters this month - the incredible hardness of writing 50,000 words of dialogue + plot is more than enough in my opinion.
And I'm working with a friend! Not on the same story, I just mean we're both doing the event, so can encourage each other. It'll be great. Too bad my laptop is broken right now, so I can't work in her room actually with her until Apple fixes my baby.
I'm going to give NaNoWriMo a shot, I think. I think it'll be good discipline for getting me used to sitting down and writing for a set amount of time each week.
Yup, I challenged the SO. I think he's going to try, political thriller, it seems. I don't expect to finish. I wasn't anywhere close last year. But I just want to try.
And thanks for the characters!
Good on all of you, with the NanoWriMo. Are any of you going to post bits as WIPs?
Are any of you going to post bits as WIPs?
Huh. I hadn't even thought of that. I may very well do just that.