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I just got my November issue of Romance Writers Report. There's a rather chilling story of an author who had her home raided and her writing materials confiscated under the Patriot Act. She didn't want her name published, but she's multi-published with one of the RWA's recognized print publishers. She was researching what sounds like a romantic suspense novel set in Cambodia, so she searched websites, bought books online, and checked books out from her library on Cambodian history and current events, including landmines and terrorism, some of it connected to Al Qaeda. Some excerpts:
Interviewer: Did you have any reason to suspect you were being targeted for a raid, any advanced notice?
Author: No. Not a clue. Although, for awhile prior to the raid, I thought I was being stalked. Mail was missing from my box, I caught someone searching my trash, I saw a prowler in my yard and actually called the police. One of my neighbors saw someone watching from across the street--she wasn't sure it was my house or hers. She called the police, too--turns out they were taking surveillance photos.
The interviewer next asked her to describe the raid:
Author: The raid took place last fall, pre-dawn, and it lasted three hours. They banged at my front door first, damaged it coming in, displayed weapons, and threatened to kill my dogs. After that, imagine everything you've ever seen on TV, only worse. There were six male agents. One was in the "bad cop" mode the entire time, trying to intimidate me, yelling at me, threatening me. When I had to use the restroom, he sent an agent along to the bathroom with me. It was a multi-agency raid: Postal Inspectors (for the website/email end of it), the FBI, and three officers who would only identify themselves as Federal Police. They took so much--computers, photocopier, files, books, discs, computer programs, CDs of the music by which I write, contracts, absolutely everything I had connected to the writing world. They took pictures off my walls, my office television, pens, a case of paper, postage stamps...even now, after all these months, I still go to get something only to discover it missing.
She goes on to say they eventually brought her computers back, and according to her techie friend she had look at them, they're bugged. She got her disks back, ruined, but they still have everything else.
The search warrant they had was specific to her writing and research and included book titles. Though it wasn't on the warrant, they were very excited about the fact she owned the Writer's Digest "Scene of the Crime" series.
She's going on as she has before, but offers the following advice to writers who want to fly under the radar:
Don't buy your books online. It's tougher with the library issue because your check-out habits are monitored. Not every title, mind you, but...Homeland Security does watch some "flagged" books. Perhaps instead of checking out a book you think could be flagged, read it at the library [and] make notes or photocopies...
She also suggests using library computers for sensitive internet research.