I think it's the irony thing; I lost my taste for it an awfully long time ago, after I discovered that for me (real-world me), it was a killer and something to be avoided.
So I stopped liking reading it, and I started mistrusting people who were essentially purely ironic. That's just me. It's not a mask that I want to peer behind, mostly.
Oh, no, they're not nearly purely ironic.
I just saw slight metatextual jokes here and there. But I see those everywhere. Actually, I think my definition of irony is not everyone's definition of irony.
I love her novels.
I guess you haven't seen
Bull Durham
yet, huh?
... no.
OK I love the two of her novels that I've read. This is Susan Sontag. That's a lot!
OK I love the two of her novels that I've read. This is Susan Sontag. That's a lot!
Are they early ones from the sixties? Or the Volcano lover one which is less experimental?
I'm a big fan of her essays. "Notes on Camp" and "Illness as Metaphor" are major works.
She spoke at Miami when I was there, about "On Illness as Metaphor."
Oh! This reminds me that I was just gossiping with Teppy about this. Susan Sontag and Annie Leibovitz just broke up. I didn't even know they were lovers! Reported in the local paper.
OK, that doesn't surprise me - not the breakup part, which would suck because I am a huge sentimental sappy romantic and like couples (especially where at least one of the partners is a strong woman) to stay together, but the lovers part. I can see them together.
I love Bull Durham; brilliant flick. But I don't think Sontag's novels are crap, because how could I, whenI haven't read them? Talking to her while young killed the early desire to read her stuff; she was very flip and New York and that's very tooth-grindy. Should I try her now, after a passage of years? Opinions?
I love Bull Durham; brilliant flick.
Deb, I adore you more and more every day. That's my favorite movie.
Deb, I adore you more and more every day. That's my favorite movie.
"Oh, my."
(having a Bull Durham bliss moment)