For what it's worth at the moment, I think it's really powerful, and I think there's lots (most of it, really) to save there.
Oh, thanks. I pretty much wrote it cause the professor liked that kind of thing, and then I had the idea, so I had to give it a try. It was fun, but I don't know if it's anything beyond that. I think the characters were supposed to be more believably neurotic and thus make some sort of statement about modern day relationships, but I think I just turned them into jokes instead.
Maybe just stringing it together differently?
How so? I know the princess' thoughts really aren't up to par with the prince's. Also, if I do decide to work on this, what the hell magazine would publish it?
Amy, I too am really enjoying the fairy tale drabbles. I love the way you're bringing humanity and intimacy of characterization to them.
Oh, and a topic idea for Teppy--maybe at some point we could do Fateful Farewells, or Departures or Goodbyes or somesuch.
Thank you, ma'am -- I bookmarked it.
Fate drabble
My answering machine is blinking, red, red, red. I hit the button as I walk by, collapse onto the chair to listen. I expect Ronnie or El. Maybe Amy.
The voice is deep and male and familiar, though I haven't heard it in five years. Holy shit. Dave. Last time I spoke to him he was in Australia...or wait, maybe Arizona. How did he get this number?
He works in tv now; he's going to be in New York next week. Do I want to get together?
I write down his pager and feel wary, weary. He better not still have that adolescent crush.
I've sworn off men.
I was also going to suggest a drabble, Teppy--how about "famous last words"? It could lend itself to all kinds of topics from goodbyes to times when the character said something they later regretted.
Hee hee hee, Kristin. I should really do this one. I love turning things into fateful encounters.
Um...P-C, I think I read more into it that I was supposed to. Or maybe I was just tired. But I actually truly think it's weightier than you're making it out to be. If I finish the pages I absolutely have to write today, I'll email you some comments later. But be warned, it might be tomorrow instead.
Kristin, that's wonderful!
I was watching Antiques Roadshow last night, and I was suddenly struck with the inspiration to drabble about "hope chests," Teppy. But that might be too narrow. Maybe just antiques? Or maybe "found treasure"? (Maybe I should just stop babbling...)
When catching up on this thread, nearly every word or combination of words suddenly seemed like they could be a topic for a drabble, funnily enough.
I keep thinking of subjects for drabbles, then my brain pulls the switch and says "I'm tired of writing about me." Maybe it's time to extrapolate fun stuff for my ancestors or something.