Hey all. We have a misterpoll set up to gauge how many people are interested in attending Target Tampa with Suzanne Brockmann to celebrate the release of her new book.
Weekend with Suzanne Brockmann Poll
There will be signings of her new book, and your library, as well a party and some writing workshops.
We also have a mailing list if you'd like updates on this event.
Deb, still plugging on Flower (stupid real life). They off to France, and I'm still all "Go, Agnes!" Is it wrong of me that I prefer the ghost to the living heroine? Penny's a nice lady and all, but Agnes seems so much more real and vibrant.
connie, the living heroine in this one is in a state of complete disarray - but there's more to the story to come yet.
Oh, goody.
edit: you know, of course, that now I have to track down Weaver, darn you.
you know, of course, that now I have to track down Weaver, darn you.
What's to track? It's a Readers Choice selection in the Salt Lake City County library system - they've got over a hundred copies.
On the author's side of that statement of need, however, I'm simply going to do a Nelson Muntz: HA-ha!
Salt Lake City County library system
Which is not the Utah County library system, of which I am a part. Of course, I haven't looked, yet, either.
Hmmmm. Utah County. Is that Pleasant Grove? I don't think they've got it, but I suspect they do sharing, don't they?
Pleasant Grove is a sub-part of the Provo-Orem metro-sprawl. I'm in Provo. Damn, I'll have to pay for that missing Pratchett before they let me have anything else. Oh, well.
I suspect they do sharing, don't they?
Dude. It's Mormon country.
Yeah -- that joke was much more on the easy side, than the tasteful.
But only one side gets to share. The other side gets it all.