Hey y'all, I was just scanning the writing gigs listings on craigslist, and saw a couple that might be of interest to folks here....
Any cat people willing to write for free? [link]
Susan, check this: [link]
There are also any number of new online zines looking for "edgy" and "hip" for free, FYI.
I'm Fine
You say it, and say it, and say it.
"No, just tired. No big."
legs hurt, they hurt like hell, but not enough to make a big deal out of, just enough, just enough
"Tired, that's all. I could have slept better."
I lay awake half the night, because the apnea affects your breathing, and after awhile I'm terrified to sleep because what if you stop, will you please go see a doctor
"Just tired. I'll live."
everything hurts, can't sleep, worry, pain, can't sleep, can't wake up, and it never eases up, not ever, it's my life
"Really. I'm fine."
And, another one:
You Did the Right Thing
Nothing is permanent. Nothing stays the same, not even the assurance we take like vitamins for our sanity, day after living day.
Today's pill contains a maintenance dose of "I did the right thing." Toss my head back, hoping I don't choke, swallowing before the coating dissolves and the bitter taste comes through, destroying its efficacy: I Did The Right Thing.
Gulp it down. A slithery aftertaste of "he was stronger without you, you did right to leave" drops a sour reminder of what happens when the assurance wears off.
But for now, it's a truth pill. "You did the right thing."
Thanks, Jesse--I emailed him/her a description of my services and fees.
It's normal, isn't it, that 24 hours after a conference, in which an editor and agent requested partials, that I'm looking at my first three chapters, seeing nothing but flaws, and saying, "Self, you are a rank, arrogant amateur. What makes you think you're ready to play with the big girls?"
Really, it's just the first eight pages or so, where I keep having to explain stuff without breaking up the action too much. It feels clunky and unnatural. It gets better once I'm not introducing 6 characters at once, but it's the first 8 pages that have to hook them in. And I can't think how to fix them yet.
It's normal, isn't it, that 24 hours after a conference, in which an editor and agent requested partials, that I'm looking at my first three chapters, seeing nothing but flaws, and saying, "Self, you are a rank, arrogant amateur. What makes you think you're ready to play with the big girls?"
Wait until the first time you hit print. The VERY FIRST paragraph you flip to will contain a typo. Guaranteed.
t snerk
Problem is, with this lot, the werewolves and vampires would kill them all, and there'd be no more story. Unless that's when Lucy discovers she's the Slayer......
The VERY FIRST paragraph you flip to will contain a typo. Guaranteed.
Or a phrase you'll glare at, thinking out loud "What in HELL was I thinking, to write it that way?!?!?!?"