I was just afraid I was showing myself to be a bit of a diva by being all concerned about my career direction when I haven't even sold yet.
Well ... and let me be the unpopular opinion here, but only because I love you ... there's a lot of strength in knowing what you want to write, and writing something because you love it and its what you want to do. Honestly.
The "but" you hear brewing here is that a lot of writers get themselves very caught up in succeeding the way they want to succeed, sometimes to the detriment of other directions and possibilities.
Not saying you're doing that--I honestly haven't seen you in action enough to make that judgement--but it's a question worth asking yourself. Be open to the possibility that you have even greater opportunities down a road you didn't even know was there.
ETA: Or, the Reader's Digest version, "If you get the shot, take the shot."
I think that's a very good point, victor. And that's why I'm sending the requested partial--I'm going to roll the dice and see what comes up. If everything were to go right and they end up requesting the full and then offering to buy the manuscript, that's when I'll need to think about what it means for my career. The odds are it won't get that far. And if it does--who knows? Maybe they'll be just SO crazy about my writing that they'll consider
too. Never hurts to dream.
Never hurts to dream.
Never. And you can't live a writer's life without rolling some dice once in awhile.
Never hurts to dream.
My dream hurts. I am doing this wrong.
My dream hurts. I am doing this wrong.
Hmmm. Well, I suppose if you're into that sort of thing...
Susan, sounds like you did well, and that it went well. Like Amy, nothing you said sounded remotely trouble-makingish, although I find myself wondering who the editor at Tor is (I know a few of them, at the senior level). (EDIT: whoops - missed the ID upstream. I don't know her, but I know of her; she's supposed to be a sweetie. I'd wondered if it was Natalia Aponte, for a minute.)
Oh, and re paranormal? Apparently, the market is glutted. Don't make Jack into a werewolf just yet.
And I'm a rather big supporter of writing what wants out. If you're channelling a particular voice, and that voice is sitting in the middle of the Pyrenees during the Peninsular campaign, for heavens sake, don't try to be Rita Mae Brown or something; write the voice that wants out. You can always play with other things later.
Oh, and re paranormal? Apparently, the market is glutted. Don't make Jack into a werewolf just yet.
I think someone should write a zombie romance. "They loved with all their heart, but the rest of them was falling off."
I think someone should write a zombie romance. "They loved with all their heart, but the rest of them was falling off."
Sounds like the screenplay for "Shaun of the Dead", or something.
Sounds like the screenplay for "Shaun of the Dead", or something.
Damn! Hollywood always beats me to it.
Shakes fist westward in rage.
Now, if someone wanted to do a musical romantic comedy about zombies...
You know, boy meets girl. Girl is dead and eats boy's braaaaaains. Boy and girl devour various plenipotentaries from local small midwestern town, plus a few cheerleaders and the annoying guy from algebra class.
Then bits of them fall off, someone pulls out a crucifix, and there's a fire.
I'm thinking about whatsername from Gilmore Girls in the lead.