New column's up: Pavlov’s Poets and the Road More Traveled: It’s a good time to be a poet. So why does that make me uneasy?
Plugged elsewhere, but I'm always interested in what folks in this thread have to say, as the column's aimed at, well, writers.
Victor, I'll check it out in the morning. Zonked now.
Bev, insending. It's very first-draft stuff, but there's been a bit of revision to the prologue, and I want to know about characters, voice, setting, vivid or not. You know the sort of thing: basic first-read beta.
Backflung, Deb. I'm rubbing my hands with anticipation of what's next.
Deb, I'd be happy to beta if you'd like another set of eyes to look at the thing.
Got it! Thanks, Susan. Sending back.
Lordy, someone write something. I feel like a threadjacker.
Lordy, someone write something. I feel like a threadjacker.
I'm working on a poem, which is actually part of the novel, but it ain't anywhere near done yet. It's in my head, but it's doing that rattling at the cages thing.
Will post if I ever finish the damn thing.
Other than that, pimping the column, and working on the next one.
But now I have to go to Staples.
I've just drafted pitches for both my novels to use at the conference. Is it OK if I post them here for comment?
Hell, yes. All about the writing.