I'm writing in first person, with a character who has to gradually fall out of love with one man and fall for another. I'm trying to clue readers in that Julius is really arrogant and patronizing behind his superficial kindness, and that once you get past James's impulsive nature and vain streak, he's actually a much nicer guy. James treats people well because that's the kind of person he is, at bottom, while Julius treats people well because he likes to think of himself as good. The trick is to give cues for the readers, but make them subtle enough that my heroine doesn't look stupid and blind for not picking up on them immediately.
I still need to work on it. Too many people from my writing group are disappointed when they realize Julius isn't the hero, because "he's such a nice guy." And I'm all, "But he's smug! And pompous! And takes everything, including himself, way too seriously!"
There's nothing like the feeling when you think of something truly awful you can inflict upon your main character in the name of literature.
I'm now picturing Thomas Hardy, planning
"What shall we do at the end? Let her live with Angel in another country? Send her to Brazil alone? I know- let's hang her!"
He'd have a good smile at that, driving home from London to Wessex.
He'd have a good smile at that, driving home from London to Wessex.
One of my literature teachers said that Kafka used to read his bleaker stuff out loud to his friends, and he'd keep cracking up in the middle of things.
Nothing says Happy Author like hanging your main character.
I'm writing in first person, with a character who has to gradually fall out of love with one man and fall for another.
Am, get your mind clued up to the idea that Susan doesn't write slash. Because this sounds a little- thankfully, not too much- like the novel I'm working on at the moment. Only my first person is male.
Nothing says Happy Author like hanging your main character.
This is my new motto for all fiction I have ever written, or will ever write.
t I was thinking slash too.
Nothing says Happy Author like hanging your main character.
Unfortunatly, it also says depressed reader- at least, any reader who actually liked the girl.