He hasn't actually done anything be befriend a boatload of folks for no discernible reason. No grounds for a banning from LJ that I can see. I just am not interested in him/her seeing my friends posts.
Susan, I can't remember off hand how I did it but I found the instructions through the help system over there.
I just am not interested in him/her seeing my friends posts.
He doesn't see them unless
though. You always have control over that.
What him friending you means is that you can see his (gender assigned on coin toss) default-friendslocked posts, and that he can see your entries on the same page as all his other friends.
I found a way to ban him from commenting, but not from reading public posts. Which kinda sucks, because if I made everything friends only, then various people like, oh, my husband, who don't have LJ accounts can't read my stuff.
Thing is, all sorts of nutbags can be reading your public posts already.
They'd better bring a dictionary...everything in my lj is either in-joke or neologism-a-rific
He hasn't actually done anything be befriend a boatload of folks for no discernible reason. No grounds for a banning from LJ that I can see. I just am not interested in him/her seeing my friends posts.
This is where I am, too. He can't see my locked posts, he doesn't comment, he's not cluttering my friends page and his username isn't offensive. I honestly don't see a reason to bother finding out how to ban him. (Which is not to say that those of you who want more control over your friend-of list than I do are overreacting, just that this is how I thinkabout the mass friending stuff. They want attention, so why give it to them?)
Thing is, all sorts of nutbags can be reading your public posts already.
This, too. Anyone in the world could get to your public posts; whether they have you friended or not is immaterial. The important thing is who you friend back.
I know that. But it's one thing if they just happen to click by on random or something. It's creepier to have evidence of an actual
it's one thing if they just happen to click by on random or something.
I read plenty of journals that aren't in my friends list, though. And I don't think that's a rare phenomenon. The ones I keep right on top are in my friends list -- the others I read in larger chunks, and all to themselves.
It's easy to develop a feeling of privacy, but it's so not there.
He hasn't actually done anything be befriend a boatload of folks for no discernible reason.
Okay, I just looked at my friends list, and saw a bunch of usernames I don't recognize. Anyone wanna give me a hint as to the username you peeps are worried about?
It's creepier to have evidence of an actual creep, y'know?
Eh, I don't really care until he comments, since I doubt those journals are used for reading,or, really, anything besides friending people and seeing who gets annoyed.
(Now watch someone write a script to leave asinine comments in 600 journals at once. I know there's LJ spam now.)