That's intriguing, though not, I suppose, surprising. When I taught 7th graders I took them to the library and was surprised at what was offered in the YA section; teenagers having wild parties with drugs, alcohol, sex, and of course all the soap opera stuff that attends it in an overwrought pile of manure, for 7th graders. I'd forgotten that until just now.
I know about that teething-ma. Aidan, our 13 month-old, bit the husband's shoulder this morning, so hard Greg dropped him on the floor -- thankfully from a seated position, so it wasn't so far to fall.
Amyliz: Thanks !! And the font is probably size 12 like TV Scripts right? So they are are not very much different from the german format! Oh and i just noticed you are seniorslayer on the beta!! So ... um ... Hi ! *g*
oh btw has anyone here some free time and wants to be my beta? but i have to warn you my english is still not the best! thanks in advance !
Ever had anything pop into your brain that just really freaked you out? Did you write it anyway? It was all vivid and graphic and strong and everything, but I think it's gross, now that the initial inspiration has passed. I have and dump a lot of ideas...despite what the books say we all know they're not created equal, you know. Like "The Breast" should that ever have stayed a jot in Roth's notebook.
erika, you bet I have. I think the best thing to do is write it anyway, get it out of you, and then don't look at it for a while. In a couple of weeks, or months, whatever works, go back to it, and see if there's anything in there that jumps out as worthy of keeping/expanding -- whether it's one word, one sentence, a character, an image -- which could take you in a totally new direction from the original graphic piece.
My feeling is, if it's there, it wants to be written, so for god's sake, get that puppy out of you!
But maybe I'm being uptight and it's edgy and outre, not "Gee, maybe the group will take me back?"
You can do it, Erika! Big writing happy thoughts!
Write now. Censor later. Never, ever, do it in the other order.
You're right. Cause since I started thinking about it, I can't write my name. Can't fic. I'm like the guy in Adaptation thinking he's fat and ugly and can't write anyway.Except for fat, substitute "helpless" or something.
Cause since I started thinking about it, I can't write my name.
I am paralyzed by my fear of not finishing my book. Rewrote the first 80 pages three times before finding a solution of sorts. The only way I'm able to work through it at all is to just say "Okay, if it's crap it's crap. Just WRITE."