You can take her. I just read a suggestion to combat perfectionism by typing with your monitor off. The woman doesn't turn it back on till she's well into the piece (whatever it may be.)
I do this. Well, not turning the monitor off, but there are certain things - cover letters are a big example - that I will sometimes write with my eyes closed.
wow... That would be so ugly.
No, not you...I just don't type all that well, even after all this time.
Is there a program for people like me?
Writers Anonymous? I think there are very few writers who don't feel that way at times. The whiplash between "Everything I write is ashes" and "That simile-ridden, cliche-filled piece of crap got pubished? I could write better than that at the end of a three-day bender" is a pretty common injury.
Since I just got turned down by Hodder Uk because Weaver is "too gentle" or some shite, I'm all about the derisive snorting right now.
And yup. Astarte's totally right about the whiplash, although I'm generally a pretty confident writer.
Cause it's one of those women who is thinking she's deep and fucked up, when really, that's life, huh?
I'm experiencing that in my writing class. One woman is reading from her novel-in-progress, which people are fucking PRAISING, when all I can think is: (1) "You are the Mary Sue of PAIN, sweetheart," and (2) "You're not the only one who's experienced shit in her life, sweetheart."
But then I think perhaps I'm terribly mean.
I'd be inclined to think you're right, Tep. We share a brain so frequently. Unless she brought something really new to the table, in terms of telling the story. Cause some stories are more about the telling than what happens.At least, that is what I hope, since I so seldom have anything dramatic to write.
Oooh. I like to write while looking out the window. Particularly if I'm working on the laptop and riding in the car.
I'll have to try the monitor off thing at some point. Don't think it's a laptop option, though.
Okay, here's a question: When did "women" become an adjective? I flinch every time I see it, and it's getting old. ("Women faculty" being the most recent offender in my life. I mean, you wouldn't say "men faculty." What's wrong with "female"?)