Bev, never occurred to take it personally, love. Honestly.
Will send you both via email. And merci. This was a request for a submission to an online magazine startup, with urban life as its theme.
edit: Astarte, not sure I have the right email for you. Different from your profile? Because I have your profile addy as my contact email.
Deb, I'll read it too, if you like.
Bev, I didn't respond earlier, and I'm sorry. I sometimes assume no one really needs my support. I quit for a long time too and I'm not so active right now, but it's coming in fits and starts. You do what brings you peace.
You do what brings you peace.
And Deena is wise.
Insending, then me for shower; it's an Angelnight and I need to make a salad.
I think of fanfic as working on my playground game(The world must be ending if I'm pulling out the sports metaphors. ) You can showboat and there are no fouls. And it's good practice. But I have to get ready to play on the hardwood again. And some of those playground players...damn!
Heh. That makes Anne Rice Penny Hardaway. Overpaid, whiny, PITA. That'll work.
That makes Anne Rice Penny Hardaway.
I actually have more sympathy for Hardaway than for Rice. Dealing with having been christened "Anfernee" has got to be tricky enough. Because when you're five, and asked to write your name is first grade?
That poor kid.
Yeah...kind of mitigating.
And I bet Anne's(I should clarify Ms. Rice's) knees don't hurt nearly as often, although something has to account for her continued marketability...
And Stephen King is the aging superstar that can't let the glory go, even if he does have the same three moves. And I'll let that go now, since I barely track the sport anymore and don't know who the new players are.
That may be my one claim to fame, that I taught 7th and 9th grade English in the school/town Penny Hardaway attended before he grew up and got famous. I got my MA from his alma mater.
Dude, that was bitchy, huh? And only 40% sour grapes.