Whohoo, Am-Chau! Good on you!
And yay for us, too, who learned about the process. I'm pretty happy with the plot I ended up with. I think I can do something with it later. And I'll kind of be happy to discard the meme of mediocrity. It was good exercise, but I disliked the feeling of leaving something I knew lacked luster, for the sake of the count. Still, it was something I wouldn't have done otherwise, so I'm glad I did try.
I think I'll keep working on it, and then, of course, there's always next year. (Cubs fan much?)
I looked at NaNoWriMo, and thought "which of my wee ideas could be a novel?"
None, was the answer.
However, the next question was "Well what could they be, then?"
And I'm working on that.
Wow, Am, go you!
I got about 15k words too, and a story that I like well enough to try and finish it. I'm shooting for 80k and hoping. So, overall, I feel like it was a success.
Am, with the rockage. MOST excellent.
OK, a question. Not specifically writing related, but rather writer-related.
I need to send prezzies to my editor and her staff, my publicist, and my agent. Holiday stuff, but also an extra-special doodah for Jenn, the agent.
Everyone except the agent is taken care of; they're all slavish junkies for my ginger cake and they're each getting their own big pan of it.
The agent - to whom I need to send something truly wonderful, because it's also a thanks for the 2-book deal and making them lose the joint accounting clause - is tricky.
She's tiny (about 5 feet tall) and doesn't eat much in the way of sweets. In fact, say "chocolate" and she shudders, not pleasurably - she has romance writer clients and they all send her choc and she doesn't care for it. Ditto booze - no tolerance for the stuff. ANd sending her a book of any description would cause her to kill me with a long distance death ray.
I'm thinking something Buffyish. Action figure?
Action figure, or that book on Slayer Slang? Or the Firefly DVDs, if you're feeling generous?
Hey Deb, do you know what kinds of things she likes? I've been lusting after forcing jars and bulbs for quite a long time, though they're not the sort of thing I'd pick up for myself. Amazon has things like bonsai trees, forcing jars and bulbs, windowsill gardens, bamboo -- stuff she might be able to grow in her office or kitchen windowsill.
If you want to go buffy-themed, you might consider adding a soundtrack CD to the action figures.