There is a column that appears in the Chronicle ( from time to time called "Failing at Life". They are true stories of a woman who has neurological problems. She now has a large following.
Another series in the same paper was about a woman whose husband was hit by a car and was now a quadraplegic. Again, she had a large following.
People are interested in how other people cope. You are a good writer. Flog some columns to the newspapers. Try the Chronicle. Doesn't matter where you live. You do a book later, if you wish.
(sorry about the spelling)
erika, I suspect there may be a fucking boatload of people in the disability community who would kill for that kind of book.
I agree with this erika. Your voice is so unique and really needs to be heard.
Listen to sj and my mama-in-law, erika, for they are Wise.
Thanks. I'm working at it...thought I'dve cracked it by now, but you know.
Well, wri mo is over. Did any of us make it? I sure as hell didn't.
Any hope of making it died with my grandmother, sadly.
I just had too much shit hit the fan at once. I managed about 129 words.
I got 15,000 words and a plot I'm really happy with; I took an idea I'd been toying with at bedtime, and it turned out to have legs.
So by my standards, yeah, I won.
Not by theirs, of course....
Also, last month was the Migraine Month from Hell, the Week That Topamax Ate My Brain, and other unpleasant stuff. So excuses? I got lots.
I got about 15K too...Impressive for me, but not 50,000 words/month.
I like the fact that people came out of it with plots, and the seeds for new ideas.