wonder if anyone's seen it on an actual bookshelf anywhere in an actual store yet? Theoretical release date is 11 December, but obviously it shipped a month early, which is standard.
I'll be whoring myself at B&N this afternoon for a job, so I'll look then. (And if I get a job, I''ll get to do one of those "The staff picks...." things, and I'll do you! At Xmas! As the busiest bookstore at the biggest shopping mecca in the area!)
(ahem. whoring like a mad thing)
Just call it "public relations" Deb.
"Hey, sailor!" (flashes leg) "howsabout - book?"
Only one letter away from the Hellmouth.
I make that mistake constantly, trust me.
Just step around the crater, okay? I still need my book signed...
It's in SUNNYVALE?!!
My sister used to live in Sunnyvale (she now lives in San Jose). This amused me to no end, once I started watching Buffy.
I actually had a train conductor one night announce "next stop, Sunnydale" and then correct himself PDQ.