OK, there's something - damn. I can't analyse; I refuse.
But I can try this, Erin, and please tell me sod off and shut the fuck up if not?
But I don't want to shelter you.
I want to watch you seek, and crash and burn
and rise.
Because that way?
I don't have to.
(There's just something - something in the pauses, or the breaths.)
No, no. No sodding off, here.
I pondered (god, how pretentious!) the crash and burn line, too.
I do like the irony in dropping, the "rise" line - that's good.
A friendly person over at NaNoWrimo gave me this link:
Deb, I did a review, but it wouldn't let me say what should be purchased with it. Right now it recommends Sunshine, which isn't really a bad choice, though not thematic or even similar in style. I did like them both. Fewer narrative problems in Weaver, though.
Ooh, hopping to read review. I am now an Author!Geek!
Good reference, Betsy. I only read the link page, but it seemed very good to me.
Deena, I may have missed a step. Your review is up but mine isn't--and it didn't offer me the options of books to choose with Weaver. Did I do something wrong?
Should I go back to Amazon and try to post it again, you think?
Beverly, if mine is up, that's new. They take a bit to review it, and they didn't offer me the opportunity of suggesting something to go with it either, so everything's probably fine.
Okay, I may have stuck my foot in it, because I posted it again. Oh well. We'll see what transpires.
I think, if you post it twice, they just delete the second one. I have to go read the review. Did you like it? I wasn't sure if I was saying enough -- they kill any review that they think tells too much.
Ah, I'm slow, but I'm stubborn. When you look on the full information page for Weaver, there's a spot somewhere in the middle of the page that says, I recommend this: and a blank for the ISDN number instead of/in addition to this book. You enter the ISDN number and click the radio button of your choice (though 'in addition to' seems to be the default).
I recommended 'in addition to' Gaiman's Neverwhere and Terry Windling's Woodwife hoping that readers who like them will pick it up. I would.