Deb, I was just poking around the Seattle Public Library website, putting books on hold so I'll have plenty to read over Thanksgiving, and I looked up
If they hadn't ordered it yet, I planned to put in a request for it. They've ordered four copies, which IME is good for them.
Thanks, Susan. Looks like the Library Journal review got read.
The cover letter looks fine and of course, you know I love the synopsis: just what it's supposed to do.
Is this going to Marlene as well, or is she just getting the entire MS?
Forgive the leaky brain; the party is tomorrow and I'm so tired I can barely see.
She's getting the entire MS, with a businesslike version of "You know that MS you said you wanted to read? Here it is" for a cover letter.
NaNoWriMo on! I'm in 1000 words! Yay for idealism, optimism, and the belief that all will be easy and brilliant. Cause I don't think it'll last!
I forgot today is Nov. 1
This could get interesting.
I cheated. I started yesterday and have done jackshit on that particular project in favor of Nerd Love, so far today.
880 words so far. I can see that this is going to be Hard.
How ridiculous is it that I am furious at the person who posted a 60,000 wordcount today? I mean, I know s/he didn't write it today, s/he knows, it's not a @#$@#$ contest.
Haven't started yet. In fact, I haven't even got a clue what I'll be writing about. This should be fun...