Just finished my editing pass. Tomorrow I'll make a Target run for a fresh toner cartridge and a ream of paper, and print the monster out and have the complete in the mail to Marlene and the partials out to the conference contacts by the end of the week.
It's not everything I want it to be yet. In a month or so, I might make another pass just in case the Harper editor wants to see the complete. But meanwhile I'm going to set it aside and start my homework for the next one, and get down the scenes that are already teasing my brain.
Suela, SUBMIT the sucker before you give up. Send it to Dandelion. All it costs you is a stamp.
Signed, Miss Do-What-I-Say-Not-What-I-Do
In unrelated news, a friend of mine got a scathing Kirkus review of her first novel, a YA fantasy. I am consoling her by saying that Kirkus doesn't matter nearly as much as Library Journal for kids' books -- am I right? Good Kirkus reviews are lovely, bad ones don't matter?
Kirkus is notoriously edgy, Betsy - the word I want is "capricious". And yes, LJ and Booklist are the ones she wants.
Also PW. I hope they do Weaver; they did Eyes and Plainsong.
Well, I'm getting the KFKD Morning show this morning, telling me I can't write my name...it had to happen, but I've forgotten how much it sucks.
K-Fucked. Courtesy of Saint Anne Lamott.
(mentally filing that one; I like it.)
edit: is that in one of her books about writing?
Yeah...Bird by Bird. KFKD tells you all the bad stuff. Like in my case, I had to steal characters to write about, and now I can't finish and who cares, anyway. And I should have studied something that wasn't writing. And, you, write a novel? Right.
Betsy has convinced me. I just sent an inquiry to the editors at Dandelion.
Grrr, argh.
See, I've got no chair at the books-about-writing table; I've never read any of them.
erika, since the fiction I've read of yours wants only a resolution, I'd say you didn't have to steal characters. Of course, the one's you do play with are pretty damned funny.
'suela, let's see what happens. I'm with Betsy on the submission being good.