Biiiiig difference between writing fiction and writing non-fiction. I'm married to an alpha-geek who is also Head of Tech Pubs for a high-tech company; I also did rather a lot of legal writing, back in the eighties.
This is way more fun. And incredibly frustrating.
One way or another, this looks like the two-book deal, that is, the series commitment I primarily wanted. So I'm just going to chill and see what Jenn and Ruth hammer out.
Eating a TV dinner; there goes my cred.
I like real marriages, don't you? In fact and fiction? Such fun.
Oh, and it's not like I borrowed anything from my actual marriage, especially not the way at least half our fights are when we're on the way to somewhere, and then we have to somehow get through the party/day at work/church service as if there's nothing wrong.
t whistles innocently
Eating a TV dinner; there goes my cred.
Oh, come on. You know Gordon Ramsey goes down the chippies every now and then.
And Jamie Oliver is all about odd fast food. In fact, he makes some of the oddest fast food ever.
This one's a Mexican thing, with chicken, and many beans. It's actually reasonably edible.
You know, this waiting for permission to use the cover of "Weaver" on anything othe than postcards strikes me as demented.
Me too...kind of like if my mom wants to go back to her birth name she has to pay. It's hers.
I mean, the cover's not mine, in that I didn't design and don't own it. But this is to promote the book and make them money.
Weirdassed industry.
Kenny loves Jamie Oliver's second cookbook; the third one, NSM. He's made Thai curry and fish pie, and one night during a sleepover I stumbled out and found three of them doing a classic fry-up, giggling and arguing about the tomatoes.
DH, OTOH, is perfectly capable of ruining frozen pizza.
Wanna see the cover!
Amy, you haven't seen it?
It's gorgeous. All I need is permission from Marina Druckman in St Martins art department, and it's everywhere.
It's a book cover!
What? It's always squeeworthy. Do you love it?
I adore it. It's generating masses of good response, too; I actually suggested the basis for the concept, the peeling back of layers to reveal the story behind the song.