Also, I don't think I could complete a plot in 50,000 words to save my life.
That's sort of the point. You write the 50,000. That's all you're on the hook for. If you need to write more to complete the book, that's fine. The point is the commitment.
I think.
The point is the commitment.
I think.
That's how I understand it, yeah. Since the idea is to set yourself a goal to write a novel in a month, they ask you to do a unique project rather than continuing something that's already in process, and they recommend that you do a more-or-less complete story. But it's not like they're checking up on your finished product.
And you shoudl be able to adjust your commitment. So figure 50K divided by 30 (1666/day), then subtract 9 days for travel, so 21 days is a goal of 35K instead.
damn...too much. head exploding. but, it could happen, right?
I finished my Matty chapter segment, turned the big "you made this happen, you get to fix, and you do it right OR ELSE!" corner in the story, and can now read tomorrow night, secure in my own smug virtue.
t borrows Deb's smug virtue and runs off with it
Betsy, if it sucks (the chapter segment, not the smug virtue), you need to tell me.
Rest assured, I would. I just could use some smugness, wasn't commenting on the work.
Oh, you may have *all* my smugness. Not really using it anyway...
Deb, so you want me to do a quick read tonight with feedback later or tomorrow morning?