I am also slowly doing Bev's critique, but between the breast cancer scare and the push to finish Matty, I got swamped and bogged down.
Astarte, all my stuff has a point to it; the only bit of pure fluff I ever wrote was "Fire Queen", at the specific request of an editor. I always root it in the humanity aspect; it's the only thing that's interesting to me.
I can't wait to read "Weaver."
I can't wait to read Susan's novel.
No, I don't have much else to say right now, but these things needed to be said.
Anne, if you want to scare yourself to death with FFoSM, I'll send you the efile.
Insent, with note about not-sharing; this is the one that gets the big negotiation next week, between St. Martins and my agent.
Off to party.
Have fun, Deb! I received the file, and downloaded it. Thanks so very, very much!
I'm gonna play in the National Novel Writing Month thing, although I bet odds are against my coming up even coherent or finished in a month...my fics take longer and I have short stories I've been sort of writing for a year. Maybe I'm attracted to hopeless causes.
Because I told myself last year I'd do it, I'm NaNoWriMoing this year.
I figure at the very least, it will serve to get the crap out (it's basically going to be 50000 words of my worst work nightmares) so I can focus on other, more interesting, important writing projects.
I'm NaNoWriMo-ing too -- I figured, I've had an idea floating that I've researched and sketched and outlined and never actually written any of, so this might be the only thing to actually get me moving.
(And, erika, as I understand it, the point isn't so much to have something coherent and finished, but to get those words down. Coherent comes later, with NaNoEdMo....)