Betsy, I think you ought to send it, with a nice little note, to Alice. I really do.
Can we put it on the agenda for Tuesday night, as something to talk about? And maybe help write the note/pitch?
Check your email, BTW - we have a couple of newbies coming. Nice people, people with WIPs.
Deb, that's fabulous! I'm grinning from ear to ear on your behalf.
Deb is hot, hot, hot stuff. Go you!
Oh, and for the first time in about two years today? Finished a frickin poem. Will post it in LJ once it's polished up a bit.
Not my best, but I'm amazed it happened at all.
The heat, she is rubbing off!
I'm working on Matty. A research scene, very tense, pivotal, with revelations....
Oh, Deb, that's so wonderful. I'm just awesomed by you.
for the first time in about two years today? Finished a frickin poem.
Yay, Victor!
Woo! You people are smokin'!