I've only now sort-of caught-up:
I did it. I wrote a novel. I finished what I started, proved I had it in me, proved I'm not just a quitter, that I can push past my own laziness and fears. I wrote a BOOK.
Susan, that's wonderful.
I'm so very glad for you (and it coincides beautifully with the end of the Jewish year, too - right the time to end a project, in my Jewish-glasses-wearing eyes).
People who want to take one of his creative writing classes are invariable disappointed to find out that Dr. Suri is, in fact, a professor of mathematics.
That sounds like Queen Victoria's reaction to Lewis Carroll. She was enchanted by the Alice books and demanded more, and was apparently rather cross when presented with a pile of math taxtbooks.
By all means, any school lectures would be lurvely.
edit: Susan, I told Marlene you were done and ewre settling in for a nice edit. She says, go you! A good feeling, that is.
Deb, I'm in Pennsylvania, an hour and change driving time from Baltimore. But I can still ask my teacher, who I think is in charge of these things, if she'd like you to come visit.
edit: Susan, I told Marlene you were done and ewre settling in for a nice edit. She says, go you! A good feeling, that is.
Cool! I was planning both my conference pitch and how I'm going to rewrite to get rid of the London section in the middle while in the shower this morning, always a good sign for my work ethic.
Holli! Pennsylvania! My brother lives there, and it's a train (not a plane) ride from NYC, so I could totally put that on my dance card.
Awesome! I'll tell my teacher.
Heh. "Deb Does The Southwest"We could have dinner...it'd be cool.
She needs a good editor. "fascinating career", "compelling writer's journey" perhaps. Checkered? Nah. I sniff pejorative.
Heh. Hate to say it, but "checkered" would sell more books. (:
That being said, Boston area sounds good. (:
Dude, 'cause if you read at Holli's school, I'll come too.
I would love to read - and do a Q&A - at Holli's school. I'm delicately hinting to the friend at Yale who chairs (I believe she chairs) the creative writing department for an invite, but we shall see. In any case, I love classrooms.