See, I knew - sure as Tomorrow Is Tuesday - that you were going to go Munch at me. The one hand thing.
OK. Will someone remind me later that tomorrow, after toenail paintings and lunch, I have to find out who does the reviews these days at Rolling Stone, Guitar Player, and all the local papers?
Also that I have to (shudder) get hold of Target and K-Mart, find out who orders books for them, and offer to sign every local copy they order, if only they order some?
And just think, it's only Monday.
Did I post the editor-send list Jenn's using for "Still Life"? It's a damned good one, and note the final comment about touching base with Linda Marrow, who used to love me:
Amy Einhorn/Warner
Ginjer Buchanan/Berkley
?? (perhaps Selena James)/Pocket
Laura Anne/Roc (my note: Gilman, good buddy of mine and a client of Jenn's for her own books)
?? (possibly Diana Gill)/HarperCollins
Natalia Aponte/Tor
I'll check in with Linda Marrow and ask whether she's still in a position where she acquires directly or if there's someone else there I can have take a look at the book. Planning beyond these many doesn't take into account editors moving, new lines opening, etc. so I think this would be a good place to start. If that sounds good to you, then I'll get in touch with Amy and get the ball rolling...
I like my agent. She be good.
Out the door, I swear.