Wonderful--I really, really appreciate this!
Do you think it would make a difference if I don't send it to her until Friday? That'll give me time to:
1. Get caught up getting the parts I've written in longhand into the manuscript.
2. Put in chapter breaks.
3. Do a quick read-through to make sure I've caught all the places where I changed my mind about a name, time frame, etc. halfway through, and cull any duplications caused by writing this thing out of order.
All of which, IMO, would make my preciousssss, my manusssscrippppt, a lot more complete, polished, and sellable.
Susan, take your time. She knows the situation.
t bounce bounce bounce
How can I ever thank you? (My default thank you is blackberry jam, but I haven't made any this year, unfortunately.)
Um, you just did say thanks. Welcome, ma'am.
Marlene'll hook you up. Must shower.
(My default thank you is blackberry jam, but I haven't made any this year, unfortunately.)
Mmmmmm...Susan's feralberry jam....
t /Homer Simpson
Oh, but I say thanks if someone holds the door for me when my hands are full, or lets me break in to make one copy in the middle of them making 300. For an intro to an agent, I feel like I should, I dunno, go capture Ichiro Suzuki and send him to you. Only his wife probably wouldn't appreciate that....must look into cloning technology.....
Well, if you want pop into a couple of local bookstores and ask them if they're going to be carrying "Weaver", I'd love that. Jenn seems to think that selling 3000 of the first run would ensure the sale of the rest of the series and a trade paperback deal as well.
So everyone can do that. I will love all of you.
(shameless pimp in need of massive back-coverage)
Already done. With reminders just often enough to not be off-puttingly naggy. Naggish? Nagging? Not alienating the booksellers, at any rate.