So I want to thank everyone who encouraged me to enter my spec in the SN competition. Especially to those of you who were kind enough to read and give me immediate feedback so I could make the deadline.
They contacted me today. I advanced to Phase Two. I should hear if I made it to the finals in 8 or so weeks.
Whoooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!
That's fucking great news.
Wow, BC, that is absolutely FG. All lucky vibes to you.
Thanks guys!
And the funny thing is that the Disney deadline is coming up and I've been torn on submitting. When I got the envelope, I thought, "Well, if I didn't make it past Phase I, I won't enter Disney." But I did so...Disney, here I come.
OH. My. God!
Yay BC. I'm so happy for you! That's such awesome news. I'm dancing in my chair. YES!