Deb, since you so generously offered, I'm going to forward your email to that college friend of my sister's. She says she's got 75 rejection letters but she's writing paranormal thrillers with romance elements, and isn't that supposed to be the hot new thing? No agent, but she seems enthusiastic and genuinely funny, but stumped on what to do next.
I also offered to read for her as well, since you know I just don't have enough to do with myself these days...
Consuela, if she wants someone else to read for her, I'd be glad to do it too.
Consuela, sounds good. Can you e me her name, so I know who to look for?
Her name is Janet, and I'll send you and her both an email introducing you, okay?
Hmmmm. I wonder why yahoo is suddenly refusing to send anything to German mailservers? Please tell me those creepasses aren't part of ClearChannel?
Hey. Did anyone who tried to download my book have any problems doing so?
Victor, I haven't tried to download it, because damned near everything I try to download is giving me issues. Pissing me off royally.
Hmm. Someone else had a problem. I've dropped support a note but I'm trying to see what's what.
Grrr. Technology sucks.
Ah. Tech support says the person accidently tried to buy a membership instead of buying the download. Beware of this! Evidently it's an easy mistake to make!
Oh. My. Lord.
I've just received the copy-edited manuscript for "The Weaver & the Factory Maid". They want it back by 11 April. No problem.
Oh, wait, there is a problem. A fairly large one. He's edited an obsolete version of the MS; Ruth Cavin, my publisher, requested changes that work up to about ten pages of additional material, about eight weeks ago. She requested them, I did them, she adored them, and they've never made it into this ms version.
Kill me now.
Oh, and there's also this:
1. He's changed all the UK spellings to American spellings. My Scots musician does NOT live next door to Tony Soprano. Now I have to change them all back again.
2. Far more infuriating? He's changed all the UK voicings. Trying to explain that Brits don't go down TO the pub, they go down the pub.