I can just use the westlaw field for searching by judge, right?
Exactly. If the federal judge is a circuit court judge, and you only want cases s/he wrote the opinion in, rather than being part of the panel, you can also use the "opinionby" field, which would narrow it down some, but if the judge is district court, you just use
recap special is worth watching?
I only tuned in at the very end and caught the music video. It, alone, did a great job of recapping in less than five minutes.
Yeah, I'd say music video would suffice. I interspersed watching that, This Old House and reading, and the only part worthwhile was watching Alex
scooping up sobbing Izzy and trying to comfort her.
The rest reminded me I didn't like the finale much.
Lee, got your email. Will respond once I straighten some shit out. Like I think MK needs a new curve because I think he's losing weight. Sigh. $$$$$ Worth it, but man I wish this would stabilize. I'm glad the mystery illness was conquered, and it resulted in needing less insulin and giving me my evenings back. However, the unending variability is hard.
I am so ridiculous. I'm wishing I were fairer, so I'd get that redness around my nose from blowing it ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Then people would
I am so ridiculous. I'm wishing I were fairer, so I'd get that redness around my nose from blowing it ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Then people would see.
Should I call up your coworkers and vouch that you're suffering sinus distress?
A couple of refinements on TB's comments.
I'd say less authoritarian than the U.S. or U.K. but given how many of our civil liberties we have waived, not a hight standard.
Though I'm not an expert on Venezuelan history, I must add that the U.S. and U.K. have long traditions of a high degree of civil liberties.
I think if you live outside the U.S. you've find it less over the top.
I was in fairly small-town Ireland during the Iraq War. And I was told that there was a conscious decision to avoid discussing certain topics. While I can't prove what those topics were, I have my suspicions.
but pretty bad even before him.
Some presidents deserve a little kindness. While Clinton's foreign policy definitely had its flaws, anyone who could broker any progress toward peace in both Belfast and the Middle East deserves better than "evil empire." And Carter had at least one bright spot (ok, among some real disasters) with Camp David.
you know, you'd be fairer if you didn't lay out in the summer.
Jesse, it's gross, it may cause zits, but seriously, smear lots of vaseline on your abused nose if it is sore at all . I get the red nose. As many can attest. The shine factor would tip them off!
I heard once that the red nose is caused by the little pieces of wood pulp in tissues. Use something crazy like paper towels if you want to irritate the hell out of your nose!
Thanks for the support, guys. I'll just keep telling people that no, it's not allergies and WAH WAH WAH.
And I don't lie out in the summer! I never laid out once this summer!