Dammit, I want somebody to give shrift a job immediately.
Happiest birthday, Sophia. I hope you get something delicious and treatful.
Belated happy birthday to Sue. It sounds like you did your birthday right.
Yep, Emmett's going to be ten. Every ten years or so I seem to have a child.
Thanks, guys. I'm just getting rejection after rejection this morning, and it's making me bitter.
So, GA premiere is really airing both tonight AND tomorrow?
Meaning, repeated? That's what my listings are claiming.
that makes my tv viewing easier.
A new sandwich shop just opened near me. I am currently having baked beans. Very nummy - it tastes like they used a shitload of brown sugar.
So, GA premiere is really airing both tonight AND tomorrow?
That makes me happier than it really should.
Google Maps NYC Subway Smell Map: [link]
today is free sushi lunch day at work.
Fans of Grey's Anatomy can go here
to see a long video ad about the premiere. And see what Provo's weather is like, too.