Out of curiosity, those who feel they know me somewhat, am I Sara or sarameg to you?
Sarameg here on the board and in LJ, and usually when I am talking to other people about you, but I try for Sara when addressing you.
Speaking of which, I wanted to email you about something, but don't seem to have your email address. Would you email me at my profile address so that I could do so?
Has anyone here watched Standoff? Does it suck? I wish Mr. Livingston well.
Prison Break is eh this season. Went hasn't been shirtless once.
Had a migraine for most of the day. The transcranial doppler involved things (head straps, breath holding) that made it worse. And the tester had zero bedside manner.
Then it went away and I got another one. And there's black belt training tonight.
It sometimes startles me to be referred to as sara here. Not bad, I don't mind, it's just...different.
I think I call you that here. Hmm.
Lee, taken care of. I'm really prissy with where my email is posted and yet still, swamped by spam. Home email was safe until last year, even.
Jesse, like I said, no upset. It is what it is. I guess I think of myself here as sarameg, not sara, so it gives me a pause. OTOH, for 4 years, I didn't respond unless you said NM Sara or New Mexico Sara due to the prevalence of Sara(h)s at my school. So that's probably part of it.
oh I call you sara here all the time cause I am a lazy typist. to me you are always sara.
And yet you make me work to say the right thing!
kidding. I actually handle that dichotomy easily
It's weird how certain names stick. I still think of Jess as PMoon on the board even though the name Jess is staring me in the face and IRL I would never think of calling her PMoon.
Sarameg, which email address did you use?
cutiehead at saracakes dot com.