I'm safe, then, I never watched B5
There was a great little speech from the Night Watch (an Orwellian implementation group) dude in B5 which I was reminded of by your post but I can't remember it... ah, but the Internet provides.
"As the name implies, you must also be watchful. Peace can be made or broken with a gun, a word, an idea, even a thought. Now, those who work against peace sow the seeds of discontent. They plant false stories, they undermine the public good. It's not because they are necessarily evil. It's because they don't know any better. They're rejected, they're unhappy, and they lash out in the only way they can. So, If we could be made aware of these problems as they occur, then we can find these people, we can talk to these people, we can embrace them again in the arms of society, while, at the same time, protecting society from misinformation and harmful ideas. We're less interested in actions than we are in attitudes. We must help protect society against its own worst instincts. And by taking these bold steps, we will help to ensure a better future for everyone. I'm proud to be a part of it, and I hope you'll all join me in becoming part of the Night Watch."
For some reason, Vortex, I know your first and last name, and I think your middle initial.
Me too! Creepy. I mean, on my part.
I used my full name and middle initial on WX and TT. Only changed it when we got here. I still use it in some places. Holdover from when you had to use your real name I guess. I'm not worried. If you google my first and last names, you get 12 million hits. The first few pages belong to an accessories designer (I really want to go into a store and pay with a credit card), a scene designer, a soprano singer, a science fiction writer, and a physicist. If you add the middle initial, it actually goes up to 13 million. I'm safe, I think.
SMARTY are also exempt.
What about COMPLETELY, in honor of Fay?
Or RANTY (and not RANDY like I first typed).
oh, the other one. I only use board names on th eboard dontcha know.
Here I am! I understand I was paged?
I think I get some Norwegian athlete when I google my first name and married last name. I think it's Norwegian. It looks Norse.
Note to self: rewatch B5.
Second note to self: finish Farscape Season 2 first.
I think it's Norwegian. It looks Norse.
Does it have a Viking helmet?
I think it's Norwegian. It looks Norse.
Does it have a Viking helmet?
Is it pining for the fjords?
Oh thank DOG -- I just got three stupid tasks out of the way. I hate when I put shit off like that -- something that takes literally a half-hour, except I avoid doing it for days or weeks.
I just watched Studio 60, which I liked fairly well, but I have one inevitable quibble. If Matthew Perry's character had
back surgery on his L5-S1 only 3 days prior to the "present" day of the show,
he would NOT have been able to
run -- yes, it was more of a brisk trot, but it was faster than walking, is my point -- or bounce up steps the way he did after telling his ex-GF that he looked forward to working with her.
I'm sorry, but it would never happen, no matter how
full of painkillers
he was.
But other than that, I liked it. Am intrigued enough to watch it again. Does it air on Monday nights?