Dev kills most stuff fragile to cats on accident. The mice last longer, which is disturbing.
During cicaida season, I learned they fit perfectly in Devi's mouth without being damaged. So I'd have a prey-drawn cat racing around the apartment, stopping when the buzzing in her brain stopped. Of course, I was usually laughing to hard to do a damned thing about it at that point. Ever seen a cat react to the buzzing in her head? Priceless!
More naked male butt on Nip/Tuck than I've seen in a long time, even with all the sex on the show.
Simon Baker is a very pretty man. My goodness.
That is a true statement.
Lordy. I am a paranoid idiot. From the second:
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! Anything I can do, let me know. Best wishes - RNS
Also, how fucked up are we that we're all still checking our work email at this time of night?
I just tried to check mine. Looks like they do not have webmail up yet at the new office.
I just checked mine and forwarded something important that wasn't done when I had to leave.
My subdomains are down, and my head (still) hurts badly enough that I couldn't even stay at krav, much less half-assedly take a class. Botox in under 48. This had better do something good.
I just switched from dvd to CBS and saw the
masked guy and thought "The Carver!"
but that's a whole 'nother show.