WARNING - Songs are NWS!!!
Oh, but "Spanish Ladies" is a fine song.
And now I'm longing to hear a good version of The Fire Ship. Moderately dirty, but a really pretty tune and fun, fun, fun to sing.
How can the same world contain bawdy pirate songs, an 83-year-old man giddily hugging the stuffing out of his long-lost sister, and those fuckholes in Washington? It makes the brain hurt.
they got charged with something else.
There have got to be corpse disposal and property rights things that make more sense. I hope sexual assault wasn't their whole case and that now these guys get off.
I mean go free.
I just heard someone a few cubes over ask what a coup was. Sounds like an adult native speaker of English.
I made a to do list for life things (NON cleaning) on Sunday. I just marked off 2 things, the first 2 to be marked off. IOW, I am behind.
Look! the Wisconsin necrophilia story ran in the Times of India.
The men still face lesser charges.
Okay, good.
I need to make a list of memememe things to do and actually do them. I spend too many weekends just floating from thing to thing...which is usually not bad. I'm just askeered of planning, since I hate when I can't do what I'd plan because of the aches of the head.
Which reminds me, time to update the headache diary.
Went clothes shopping in my lunch break. Have four new skirts, three free about the hips and one that's just a wee bit too big. And a couple tops, although one isn't going to handle much more bicep expansion.
Panic! My boss emailed me to find out where I was yesterday morning. Uh, I was here. Not late, not at an unannounced doctor's appointment, not napping. Here. It bothers me that she managed to look for me twice when I wasn't at my desk.
It would bother me if my boss emailed me
the next day
to find out why I wasn't at my desk at any period of time. Good god, is she your mother?
I can't see "get off" now without thinking of Vincent from PR, which is unfortunate because I used to think of Prince (and that was much more pleasant). I still wonder which 23 positions he used?
I went shopping last Sunday and got a really lovely pair of black and grey wool gauchos, a white camisole and black cardigan and the prettiest grey dress. I also looked for a nice pair of black knee high boots for the winter, but I think it's not to be. All of the boots this season are bringing the serious fug.