Happy birthday, Lori!
Happy anniversary to Ple and Paul!.
JZ's up and making coffee. She's wearing my roller derby t-shirt. I'm wearing the t-shirt I bought in New Orleans when we got caught out in the rain on the cemtary tour. T-shirts are filled with narratives it seems.
LJ's "post update" button says "Update Captain's Log," and on people's user info page, "Friends" is now "Mateys," "Mutual Friends" is "Mutual Mateys," and the list of communities you belong to is "Crew Member Of."
45 minutes, then.
I keep missing new show premieres. I am a flake. And I need to check my season passes and make them CWised.
It's a good thing that Talk Like a Pirate Day and Talk Like The Swedish Chef Day are not on the same day.
Bork. Arrr.
It's a good thing that Talk Like a Pirate Day and Talk Like The Swedish Chef Day are not on the same day.
Get your bork on, or bugger ye for a cabin boy!
Happy Birthday, lori!
Happy Anniversary to Plei and Paul!
Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum to the rest o' ye mateys!
Happy Birthday, Lori!
I have been up for 90 minutes and gone running and done situps and pushups and showered. All I really want to do now is sleep. Or watch the two episodes of Spooks now on my hard drive.
Instead, I shall struggle on to the office. Bah.
I liked Studio 60, thought there was some great chemistry between Matt and Danny, and I suspect it's going to be a lot of fun.
Oh, there's a cafe a block away from my work that will give you ten cents off on a coffee if you talk like a pirate.
It's a good thing that Talk Like a Pirate Day and Talk Like The Swedish Chef Day are not on the same day.
Get your bork on, or bugger ye for a cabin boy!
Bork your yarrrrrdarm!
It's a good thing that Talk Like a Pirate Day and Talk Like The Swedish Chef Day are not on the same day.
Get your bork on, or bugger ye for a cabin boy!
Hec, you may be interested to know that, unsurprisingly, 826 Valencia is celebrating today with many events.