»ot that they were all that tough, but
they were HANGIN TOUGH.
as for drinks, I can only say yes. I like gimlets and vodka tonics. Also Jack and ginger. Sometimes whiskey sours (depends on the sour mix) I've also started drinking a concoction of Absolut Citron, soda and a splash of Rose's. Refreshing and not too sweet.
Beer. In a can, in a bottle, in a mug, domestic, import, lite, regular -- I do not discriminate. Beer here.
I love a cold beer, but only in a bottle. Ever. Cans taste funny, and the beer gets warm too quickly in a glass.
And I really only like stuff like Bud or Corona. I think I may have you beat in the redneck department. Recently I had some Arbormist Berry Wine. On purpose.
Every single drink y'all have named, I like. I may have missed my calling as a lush, as even with my very catholic taste in alcohol, I actually drink pretty infrequently.
My favorite drinks tend to be sweet sparkling white wines, amaretto sours, and appletinis.
Though I do enjoy sazerac cocktails and the traditional style glass of absinthe, mostly because I seem to handle the licorice flavor better than the bulk of my friends.
The one glass of red wine I had with my dinner tonight seems to have cured my week long wheezing, brought on by allergies. CLEARLY, I am allergic to being wineless, and so am having a second glass right now, just for medicinal purposes.
Did someone say "Peter Frampton"?
Show Me the Way
(live, not great quality): [link]
Do You Feel Like I Do
(live, extra crappy vid quality, but still) [link]
Baby I Love Your Way
(live, 77): [link]
(same some, recent performance, decent quality: [link]
One of the great "tragedies" of my childhood was when the Hartford Civic Center roof collapsed--I didn't care if anyone could have been hurt, my only concern was the fate of my Shaun Cassidy concert tickets! He played in New Haven instead.
EGADS!!!!!!!!!!! I remember that, megan. Well, I remember that it crashed in. I have no memory of the Shaun Cassidy concert, because I wasn't going.
I've had a weird, retroactive crush on Andy Gibb for years. (ETA: See, I'm watching the "Words" video, and he's just so... swear to god, he means every single word. And it's possible he's (er, was) singing directly. to. me.)
I also liked the one that had him in his tennis whites. He was so pretty!
I think I had that one, Glamcookie.
I actually wish I still had some of those Tiger Beats. That would make an awesome afternoon of nostalgia.
I made a scap book, when I was like 6 (no, really) of pictures of Donny Osmond and David Cassidy (and maybe a Brady or three).
I think I bought
16 Magazine
(not a typo) a lot, instead of Tiger Beat.
Somehow, I ended up with a crush on Parker Stevenson, not Shaun Cassidy, from the Hardy Boys. That might have been a subconscious decision to preserve my friendship with my BFF.
Parker was BEEEE-you-tee-ful. Really. I thought he was much prettier, but then Shaun Cassidy sang, and that's a great equilizer.
Speaking of Cassidys. David Cassidy and YouTube...
I think I love you!
(in an alternate version, someone edited together Patridge Family footage from the episode in which ITILY appeared, and then of David singing the song: [link] YouTube seems to have difficulty getting the video and audio in sync, but I don't actually care when I'm going all pre-pubescent fangurl.
I crushed on Donnie and Marky Mark. The tradition of liking the "bad boys" is deep within me. Not that they were all that tough, but....
But...but they were
tough. Well, Donnie was.
Recently I had some Arbormist Berry Wine. On purpose.
Did someone say "Peter Frampton"?
He lives in my town now. For real. And "Baby I Love Your Way" is one of my top 5 Songs I'm Ashamed To Admit I Like.
Don't be ashamed. It was very cool at the time. Were you even born then?
And Peter Frampton after I saw Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band five times.
Sitting on my Tivo right now.
I have a photo of myself with David Cassidy's EXACT haircut from that ITILY video. That's just...I don't know.
Remember the days of "Unisex"? Unisex salons. Unisex clothing. Unisex unisex unisex. The word has lost all meaning.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have a brutal, "Hey, Deenie," earworm, but I'm really sort of enjoying it.