yeah, I am amazed by you. I do not doubt any of it. I know it is awful and non-stop and highly suggestive. It is just beyond my ability to fully grasp not ever having been like that.
Even as a child when I got every stomach virus that went around and was up sick probably every other week, it was never suggestive. I could talk the next day about getting sick and have no effect.
I still will feel sick if I take a fake sick day.
I guess I am just a "good" liar.
Wow, I am kinda amazed by the getting the symptoms if faking it or talking about it. I have that with anxiety stuff a bit, but not illness. thank dog.
It's almost like a sort of method acting, or was for me, as a kid.
I still will feel sick if I take a fake sick day.
I think I have an assache du jour, anyhow, so it's not a huge step from begging off sick and then finding I don't feel all that chipper. I'm trying to not be assache queen, any more. Of course I started trying, right when my seasonal allergies are making me really congested in my chest.
I still will feel sick if I take a fake sick day.
Me, too. It doesn't stop me from taking it, though.
Seomtimes those days where I stay home faking for me starts with a general feeling of blahs, so I'm never really that surprised if I do feel lousy by the end of the day.
I feel gleeful if I take an unsick sick day.
Which I haven't done in a while.
I have a headache.
But that's not news.
Finished entering my headaches since Thursday. I figure if it's below a 5, it doesn't rate remembering or writing about. Ten down, however many to go. My fingers are so crossed on the botox.
Seomtimes those days where I stay home faking for me starts with a general feeling of blahs, so I'm never really that surprised if I do feel lousy by the end of the day.
Yeah, that's the thing. If I have something better to do, I won't take a sick day, generally. If I can't bear to go in, so I take the fake sick day? Odds are, I'm already blah and/or stressed out.
There's one gym teacher in particular that I fantasize about hunting down and beating up, now that I'm an adult in reasonable shape and he'd be a tiny weak old guy. It would totally be Karmic Justice.
Substitute "Algebra" for "gym" and count me in. Dude deserves to have the deadly ghost children from some Japanese horror movie pop out of the TV in his classroom and terrorize him as poetic justice.
I used to get bad stomachaches and other GI distress when I got stressed out in school. Though now stress tends to manifest as migraines, which I can usually head off if I realize what's happening fast enough.