Not saying anyone would
to join a religion--just saying that it would be nice if those who are genuinely faithful and genuinely decent human beings weren't constantly having to mop up after the whackaloons that sometimes give religion a bad name.
(Okay, the truth is that I now need to change my tag to "Hail Eris!" May I, Strega?)
Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!
interesting read as I am up and getting ready to go to church.
disorganized religion.
A million church picnics rehearse this scenario:
"Wait, you brought potato salad
?? Aren't there any chips?"
Of course, that presumes that everybody knew where the picnic was being held, and when, and showed up within shouting distance of on-time.
Actually, my big realization this week is that I'm a cultural Christian, the same way that some of my non-practicing, non-believing friends describe themselves (quite properly) as cultural Jews. Even as an agnostic, I still do have as much right to debate the way the Christian religion (as well as other religions) conducts itself. It's emotionally, not to mention spiritually empowering.
The next person who asks me if I'm Saved is going to get an earful.
Ye gods. I woke up at 7:00, and, unable to go back to sleep, I flipped on the TV and watched the Dukes of Hazzard. After it was over, Wife Swap came on, and I can't stop watching it. Save me!
But it's clearly all the fault of the Jews:
Maybe what we need is disorganized religion. Then all the good people who want to worship could do so with other like-minded good people, but any time some radical freakish wing of the religion decided to do something stupid, they wouldn't be able to get their act together and actually cause damage. Sort of a natural whackaloon control failsafe.
Protestantism, hello!
(Provided disorganization is the key quality, and
is optional.)
That whole pfft to empirical verification is just abhorrent to me.
Thanks, Strega. I didn't see it as a pfft, but I can see where people would.
Steph, I'm watching Brainiac: Science Abuse on Sky One and
can't stop watching.
It's like mythbusters on crack. A bunch of idiots running around and blowing shit up for the hell of it. It's insane and yet, hilarious.
Timelies all!
I finally caught up after being so behind from my Giant Mass Mailing O' Doom at work, and I have three things to say:
In case we're taking a survey, I like Allyson.
tommyrot talked about the sad panda, and mentioned...
Last year, the Toledo Zoo admitted that it had been running an extensive psychiatric program
I used to live near Toledo, and the first time I went to their zoo, one of the audio displays talked about how animals can sometimes display repetitive behaviors if they're not properly cared for. Not five minutes later I made it to the polar bear enclosure, where the polar bear was walking around in a repetitive circle, shaking his head violently at the same place. I hope they got him some counseling.
I was at Wild Oats yesterday and spotted ROOIBOS! and thought of ita. I bought a box, and it's very excellent! Thanks ita!
In conclusion, bork bork!
bork bork!
Do I have to go back and find this discussion? I did a lot of skipping this week. It wasn't kinky skipping.