As always, my main requirement in a haircut is something that won't draw attention to my doublechins or require anything other than shampoo and styling with a hairdryer and hairbrush
Check in with Hec, but I'd say it would be impossible to get either look without product. Look 1 would need more extensive styling than look 2.
As Chi notes, both styles require a lot of styling. The first one in particular is a good half hour of blowout.
Yeah, 1 could get flat and blah very easily. 2 I think you could carry better with a really good cut.
I find the fried mac&cheese oddly tempting. Probably not enough to go to TGIFriday's, but enough to be disturbed.
Was somebody asking about the GA season finale? It looks like it's supposed to be airing next Wednesday.
Hey, if Alton Brown makes it, I'm prepared to take it on faith that it's delicious.
I have ALL DAY tomorrow until 5:30 free, I am SOOOO excited. now I go to bed to sleep as long as I want.
Sleep, chickie.
My brother just made me depressed. He asked a physics question I used to know the answer to. I don't know it any more. My brain is rotting and dribbling out my ears. Still love my brother, though.
Being Canadian, I am obligated to point out our kind. Peter North is not only a Canadian, but a Haligonian.
Kathy, I think if you took #2 to a good hairdresser, they could work in something similar but less product-needing.
(I could, with a comb and some time in the mornings, do #2 with no product no problem, but I have an insane amount of hair.)
I had Greek food tonight too, ita.Early birthday festivities. Opa!
Holy crap, you people are funny and witty and cool. Every now and then I read a big chunk of a thread and am reminded of this fact. The kink discussion had me alternating between hysterical laughter ("get your bork on" is my new favorite saying) and thoughtfulness about the topic.
Also this?
At least, that's my very weak and flawed interpretation of what I've gotten from my confused understanding of my sample size of three couples.
makes me giggle and
t heart
JZ even more than usual.