I saw a really adorable cut in a Tresemme commercial I saw during PR, but of course cannot find that ad online or the screen shot, so I'm looking for second best.
I'm thinking of a slightly shorter version of this, or something like this.
As always, my main requirement in a haircut is something that won't draw attention to my doublechins or require anything other than shampoo and styling with a hairdryer and hairbrush (I don't like the feel of product in my hair and don't own a curling iron). The hair is thick (except for the top, which is a tad thinner) and slightly wavy, but not curly. So, I can get volume into the hairstyle, but not those little flippy bits in the back, which is just fine with me.
Opinions? Suggestions?
A TV show where Anne Heche is the normal one, and everyone around her is wacky and crazy? It just strains credibility too much.
I think I need beer.
Hey! Thanks for reminding me!
MiT question: is the first episode the one the day she breaks a heel on the dock? Because that's the one we've got. Of course, there were senior infomercials in the spot at 8 pm, whereas the DC station had the pilot at 8 followed by a new episode, so.
Also? Fried mac and cheese on teevee? GROSSER THAN FUCKING GROSS! Only CSI has made me rush for the toilet faster.
Also also?
I guess
as the bartender means that
Jerry on ER is DAID!
I'm really loving Jay McCarroll's collection. (It's taking me forever to take a good look at it - but loving it.)
I'm really loving Jay McCarroll's collection. (It's taking me forever to take a good look at it - but loving it.)
I agree. I hate yellow, but otherwise there are tons of things there I would wear.
ETA: BTW sumi, thanks for the links to the final collections.
As always, my main requirement in a haircut is something that won't draw attention to my doublechins or require anything other than shampoo and styling with a hairdryer and hairbrush
Check in with Hec, but I'd say it would be impossible to get either look without product. Look 1 would need more extensive styling than look 2. Since I don't know thick hair, I can't say if look 2 would need a curling iron for you. I know I'd need one to get it.
When was the last time you had good product? There's some really good stuff out there that doesn't really feel like much.
ION, I'm headed to northwest Indiana. Dear me.