I swear that somewhere I've read that the change happened as gay porn become big business. So I think Peter North was just part of a general trend; gay porn led to more attractive men in the business. And around the same time the home video market exploded, so appealing to female consumers became more of a priority.
Were you aware that North didn't actually get his start in straight porn, but migrated over from the gay side of the business? His stage name for that used to be Matt Ramsey.
Oh yeah. Well, I didn't know that offhand, but I didnt recognize his name at all. So I Googled, and his bio seemed to fit my trivia-based impression of what had happened.
Aimee, did you see the preview (GA preview) last night?
I did. And I want to know more, dammit. Waiting til Tursday is gonna KILL ME DED.
Well, I suppose, it's pretty unlikely that gay porn and straight porn audiences overlap that much... Actually, probably only a small cadre of really porn-devoted women, huh? Or maybe gay men who go through a phase of trying to convince themselves they're straight.
Cause, in other movie venues, everybody always finds out about that
Leprechaun 2
movie Leonardo DiCaprio made.
That's probably too strong for my distinction. Which I am belatedly realizing is just the mufaletta kerfuffle in disguise.
Oh, do it again! Do it again! Kerfuffling about inane details is awesome! Recourse to dictionaries, and shit!
No, but you're right, I need to make a distinction between behavior which is merely outside the cultural commonplace, and that which is driven by compulsion.
Right. This is the distinction I was trying to enforce with my phrase "emotional issues." Being weird because it's kind of cool is one thing; being weird because you can't not be (or don't even know that's what you're doing) is another.
did you see the preview (GA preview) last night?
I missed this! Can someone recap it for me?
Ooh, I gotta take that Peter North did gay porn thing back and appear all knowledgeable in conversation.
Migraines have made me...baser.