Aren't you guys friends with my agent, who is Erin's sister? At some point, how you met is irrelevant, righteo?
Yeah, that's what I think, really. I think it's because the coworker is young, so basically everyone she knows is either from high school, college, or work. She hasn't accumulated random friends from god-knows-where yet.
Now I totally want a nice old sliderule....
Saw an old scifi movie last week, the scientist said, "Bring me some paper, a pencil, and a sliderule!" And he was sitting there working the sliderule and scribbling. It was lovely.
Though I dreaded high school math because it was going to involve me using a sliderule. Fortunately calculators became available. My big Christmas present my Freshman year was a Texas Instruments calculator--it even did square roots!
I don't watch Dancing with the Stars, but I've heard Tucker Carlson got an embarrassing errection during his number with a sexy dancer.
It was too good not to youtube.
I don't know if the quality is that great but it looks like he gets wood.
Thatcher's Calculating Instrument. IJS.
I've seen one in person and it's beautiful. I want to find one for DH someday.
I've seen one in person and it's beautiful. I want to find one for DH someday.
Dear Mr. Cashmere,
The stories I've been hearing about you lately have made you out to be Ideal!Husband, so breathe easy. I'm pretty sure your wife means a slide rule above, and not the aforementioned Tucker Carlson wood.
Aw c'mon. I can't be the only person that had to think when reading Cashmere's second post.
Here's a bunch of virtual slide rules: [link] With these you can actually use your computer to perform arithmetic!
"The latest information is available on our website. Are you sure you want to speak to a customer service representative?"
Grrrr. This one makes me see red. Especially when they keep asking you this while you're waiting for the next available customer service person.
I don't watch Dancing with the Stars, but I've heard Tucker Carlson got an embarrassing errection during his number with a sexy dancer.
Ya know, as much as I like to see Schmucker Carlson humiliated publicly (*sigh* - and what did I inevitably typo for that word initially?), I could have gladly gone my whole life without seeing his name and "erection" (or "wood") in the same sentance.
House: I think they should have other doctors on there more often, because without Vogler, House is his only antagonist.