I think my favorite line from The Devil Wears Prada was the one about how 8 is the new 12. Made me laff.
There was hardly anyone in my polling place just now, except, of course, for at my machine. And the woman looking up the names had serious issues with the alphabet. Granted, she had an accent that made me think our alphabet was not the first one she learned, but why didn't she trade jobs with the other guy?? Also, why did the lady ahead of me have to make a big stink about how her name is Claude not Claudia, when it was right in the book?? I'm just saying.
I'm 5'9" and size 12. When I lost weight, I thought I looked too thin for my frame when I was shrinking out of size 10.
I just realized my parents have been in Hawaii for four days. I am a terrible daughter.
From my perspective on the Rotund Couch, if you can wear a bikini and look like those Aussie models do in them, YOU AIN'T FAT.
I think I can be a four these days without looking post-apocalyptic. I just don't want to have that little muscle.
Apparently I'm looking a bit musclebound these days, but I think that's only to people I get to hit.
A hair short of 5'5", and when not carrying an extra human I'm anywhere from a 4 to a 10, depending on the brand and style. The 4 end of the scale is definitely utter lying-label bullshit -- pre-pregnancy I had a pair of size 4 slacks that were roomier and comfier than a pair of size 8 jeans from high school (approx. 1985) that I could barely squeeze into anymore.
At Trader Joe's last night, I apparently decided my life should be more like a cocktail party. I'm having mushroom turnovers for dinner.
Now that I'm broaching 8, I get more confused than ever. The whole small/medium/large thing is weird now that I can add large to the smalls and mediums that actually fit. Being just small and medium made a lot more sense, but still not all that much.
On of the nice things about wearing's men's Levi's since high school is that I can be pretty sure I am mostly the same size, although store sizes are changing. I was always a 10 in college, and now am reliably an 8 and occasionally smaller (various insane designers and pregnancy status excepted). But a Levi's 501 32w/34l is always the same.
We who shop in the 20+ section of the size pool laugh at those of you fretting over single digits.
edit: not that you're fretting, but merely wondering.