Does anyone else twitch in their half-sleep? I'm noticing that when I nap in my car I can twitch enough to wake me up from almost slumber. And with the confined space, sometimes I'm twitching enough to hit stuff.
Doesn't happen in bed--I'm assuming it's either because of the different position (not supine) or the less shallow sleep.
But it's become really quite marked, and it's not something I ever noticed before.
Before krav, that is.
I think it's pretty common -- for me, it's usually right as I'm dropping off (ha) to sleep, I dream that I'm stepping off a curb or something. I think the dream snippet actually comes after the twitch, but it doesn't seem that way in my head.
Does anyone else twitch in their half-sleep? I'm noticing that when I nap in my car I can twitch enough to wake me up from almost slumber.
All the time. I kicked my masseuse a couple of weeks ago. She thought it was funny fortunately.
Does anyone else twitch in their half-sleep?
Bloke twitches all over just as he's falling asleep - he's too out of it to notice, but it makes me giggle.
eta - I just kick my leg too sometimes, and it wakes me up. I think that's a natural reaction to weird brainwaves when you're sleeping or something though.
Does anyone else twitch in their half-sleep?
Yup. It sometimes accompanies a falling sensation, sometimes not. It's enough to wake me up fully sometimes. And I've knocked the cat off the bed. She was not impressed, though I kinda was.
I just missed smashing my kneecap during this morning's carnap. I will be so pissed if I injure myself sleeping. There are no words.
lunch = 2 soft chicken tacos. THE YUM!
Love this show.
Me, too. I think I have mild crushes on every one of the artists. And some of the work is lovely.
Hypnogagic myoclonus! Could be apnea, though.